This acne bar soap contains Benzoyl Peroxide which in its structure is represented with 10%. Function on Benzoyl Peroxide is to destroy bacteria which are found in pores with that PanOxyl Bar treats acne and prevents its further appearance.
Does PanOxyl Really Work

Effects of PanOxyl Bar can feel just after few days of its using with that you don't need long period to see if this product works for how to get rid of acne.
PanOxyl Bar is product which effective cleans the skin. But dirt, bacteria and oil are not unique factors that initiate breakouts. There are many others internal conditions as hormone imbalance, stress, use of different medications and many more that can contribute for appearing acne breakouts.
If you want to get rid of acne you need clear acne products that cleans skin pores but in the same time fights with pimple from inside with that provides normal function acne hormones and preventing appearing new pimples.
Click here to discover acne treatments that work.